But the men are not the only reason you should go watch it.

A British production of A Clockwork Orange is coming to the Esplanade on Nov 4-8.

Why should you care? Well, there are several reasons. The first is that the Kubrick film adaptation of the dystopian teen novella was banned for over 30 years in Singapore. The film ran uncut at a film festival when the ban was lifted in 2011.

The second reason is that it's a genuinely exciting production. It premiered at the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, has had a sell-out run in SoHo and involves an all-male cast (led by female director Alexandra Spencer-Jones). We saw the trailer, and, well, expect lots of shirtless men and "a playtime of orgiastic ultraviolence and sexuality."

After a year of discussion and review, the production recently got an R18 rating from the MDA. We asked ABA Productions, the company bringing the show to Singapore, just how much has been cut to make A Clockwork Orange possible. Associate Producer Heather Riley says, “The cuts are about 15 seconds, and the show lasts for an hour and half. They are minor modifications to ensure that any minority groups will not be offended locally.”

For more info, click here.


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