Asok folks know how reliable Jhol is when it comes to contemporary southern Indian delicacies. But recently the venture has unveiled brand-new cocktails showcasing local and seasonal ingredients with Thai-Indian and pop-culture references. 
Among those eight new cocktails, we loved the Indian Porn Star (B350), a light, fragrant, and super-refreshing drink twisted from the classic porn star martini, seeing vanilla vodka blended with amaretto and passionfruit and topped with yuzu foam and cardamom candy floss—which could serve as your aperitif.
Looking for something strong tonight? Try, Macha, Where Are You Da? (B400), a nod to the Indian catchphrase “Bro, where are you? The drink, laced with chocolate and peanuts, blends Bangalore's single malt whiskey Amrut with butterscotch and honey ginger cordial. 
If you are a fan of Netflix’s Stranger Things who also enjoys gin, Jhol has got you covered, featuring, well, Stranger and Sons’ gin, of course. The Three Eyes in the Dusk (B380) sees Stranger & Sons gin, Sauvignon Blanc, guava cordial, vermouth. The pink plum dust also provides a finishing tang to the drink. The Stranger Things (B380), meanwhile, sees jackfruit shrubb, blackpepper tincture and chocolate bitters. 
Three Eyes in the Dusk.
Indian Porn Star.

Macha, Where Are You Da?