You may have come across the name Thomas Gold from his global hit remix of Adele’s “Set Fire to the Rain,” but the Berlin DJ has certainly got more up his sleeve. As he takes to the decks this Thursday (Feb 27) at Levels, Thomas chats with BK about Berlin and the difference between working on his own tracks and remixes.

You recently worked with Kaelyn Behr on “Remember;” how was the experience?
I have to say it was one of the most exciting productions I have done so far. Kaelyn is from Australia and that’s where we first met and where we started to work on the track in his studio. He’s a super-talented singer and songwriter and it was big fun doing “Remember” together.

You’ve had success with your own songs and remixes; how different is working on the two things?
Technically it is quite similar for me, as I always treat a remix as if it were my own production. Maybe the approach is a bit different, because when starting on a remix you already have a certain existing piece of music or a vocal which comes from the original track. So when I start a remix, I take the vocal, or any musical bit of the original I like, and try to create my stuff around it. When I work on my own production, I don’t have any “given” parts so I can start with whatever I want—even if it is just a kick drum and a bassline, and take it from there. I love doing both!

What makes your tracks stand out from others?
I’d say that my tracks mostly always have those big melodic breakdown sections and then go into a really punchy and powerful drop. Maybe one of my signature elements is that I love to use loads of big percussion. But, in general, I try to have a very musical approach to my music.

What is it about Berlin that makes it such a hotbed for DJs?
Berlin is one of the most exciting cities in the world and so is its music scene. I love to hang out in clubs here whenever I can. Berlin’s music style is mostly techy, minimal and rather underground-ish and the venues here are amazing. I think that one of the secrets in Berlin is that the scene here always has been growing organically and which makes it very authentic. It is not about following any trends and the clubs are all about the music, not more. Plus, Berlin and its industrial design just has so much charm—you have to love it.

What can we expect from you this year?
Loads of new music! I’m in the middle of finishing a collaboration track with [Turkish producer] Deniz Koyu which will be out very soon, I’m working on another collaboration and I’m presently working on my next single which is going to be a big vocal tune! Also, I will be touring a lot this year, I’m excited for all the festivals and I’m really looking forward to the Ibiza season this summer!


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