New band Vie Trio, composed of Srinarong siblings Pae, Parn and Puy, has a classical background but Miracle, their debut album, blends in elements of pop and hip hop to create an easy-listening, more approachable experience.

BK: Why Vie Trio?
Pae: It’s a pretty straightforward name. Vie is French for life and trio means three, so basically Vie Trio stands for our three lives.

BK: Tell us more about how this album began?
Parn: Last year, I was playing cello in the musical Fah Jarod Sai and Pae just came back from the US. Both of us met Boy Takonkiet [the musical’s director] and he asked Pae to play the violin for him. And it was Boy who first came up with the idea of releasing an album together.
Pae: We are very lucky to have this opportunity. It allows us to truly express ourselves without any limits.

BK: For many people, classical music is challenging, if not boring, to listen to. How do you feel about that attitude?
Parn: It is true that classical music is considered stuffy, fit only for the highbrow. But it’s only because people have made it that way. For example, look at how classical musicians dress.
I wouldn’t say violin is that different from guitar or bass. Classical is just one kind of music. And classical music is the root of all music today, anyway.

BK: So why do you like classical music?
Parn: We were brought up with classical music in our home. Our father [Suthin Srinarong, an executive committee member of Bangkok Symphony Orchestra] is a major influence. He inspired us to pick up classical music. But he never forced us to play, though. It’s our own decision.

BK: Apart from playing your instruments, were you involved in production?
Pae: Yes, I am the co-producer of this album.
Parn: When Pae was away, we would always work through the internet. I mean, Pae would send us emails telling us exactly what to do.

BK: What are your expectations for this album?
Puy: I hope we can help people understand that classical music is not complicated or too difficult to appreciate.
Parn: From our album, you’ll see that we’ve got rock, pop or even rap. It’s obvious that classical music can be featured with different types of music.

BK: If you were not a musician, what would you be doing?
Pae: I never thought of becoming anything else. I love music.
Parn: I wanted to be a cashier when I was a kid. I loved to play as a supermarket cashier back then.
Puy: A diplomat who also plays music.


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