Acting student Thiptawan “Toey” Uchai tells us why she chooses to portray seven women from the book The Good Body by Eve Ensler (author of The Vagina Monologues) in her final project before graduating from Chulalongkorn University’s Department of Dramatic Arts.

Can you tell us about the project?
It’s an annual tradition for the final year drama students to put on a full-scale production in order to graduate. We call it lakorn kornjob [drama before graduation]. This year there will be two productions, The Good Body and R.U.R: Rossum’s Universal Robots.

Why did you choose to do Eve Ensler’s The Good Body?
I was looking to do something that would challenge me as an actress and hold my interest at the same time. In this book, Eve encounters seven women of different backgrounds who tell her their struggles of self-acceptance and issues with body image. That’s exactly the kind of thing I find intriguing. And to portray all of these women in one production is a perfect challenge any actress could ever ask for.

How difficult is it to play seven different characters?
It’s a big responsibility to take on, but I made sure I took my time to get to know each character properly before moving on to the next. It’s a tough process, but I’ve now managed to get through most of the characters. The rest shouldn’t be a problem.

What’s next for you?
I’ll definitely pursue acting. Acting on a stage has that unique power of informing and educating. It’s not just about entertainment.

Keeping up with Thiptawan Uchai at The Good Body on stage


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