Watch out for fabulous Scottish rockers Franz Ferdinand when they hit the stage here.

It’s not exactly a long time coming, but four-year-old Scottish rock band Franz Ferdinand’s rock gig in Singapore is already the next big thing that every self-declared hipster should be looking forward to (us included, of course).

The reason why lead vocalist Alex Kapranos, bassist Bob Hardy, guitarist Nick McCarthy and drummer Paul Thomson formed the band is simple—they wanted to make girls dance, and dance some more.

When they started out, this wacky outfit had also managed to wire their hangout such that they didn’t have to pay electricity bills. Besides that, Kapranos was nearly charged for running an illegal bar and violating various health and safety, fire hazard and noise abatement laws. Not surprisingly, the list of madcap escapades of this band goes on, even in their groovy and playful videos that fuse high camp and high art, including the monumental “Take Me Out” and recent single “Do You Really Want To.”

Franz Ferdinand may be fairly young, but their fun and infectious tunes are already topping charts and causing commotions on the airwaves. Definitely “Take Me Out” has ruined many CD players as their owners looped the self-titled debut album ceaselessly on that track. You Could Have It So Much Better, their sophomore effort, fared well too. It has made music lovers jump around crazily in their bedrooms, toilets, garages, and even clubs. Now that this act is arriving for a live gig, fans need not indulge themselves within the four walls of their homes any longer. It’s time to dance wildly with many others in a gigantic stadium, preferably with an air guitar in hand. Rock on.


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