Photographer Ohm Phanphiroj takes us through a pictorial journey of gender transformation in New Identity.

What inspired this project?
The project arose out of my curiosity and the fact that transsexuals have become more widespread than ever in the recent years. There are between 10,000-100,000 transsexuals in Thailand. While they live and work among us and their lifestyle is mostly accepted and welcomed in our culture, we hardly understand their complex psyche.

How did you choose your subjects?
I choose real people with real passion, who believe in their hearts and want to become a woman. I don’t care how old they are and how they look. I want to capture the reality of them in a provocative yet informative manner and provoke people to see the story behind each image and each person.

Are you nervous displaying these images?
No. I am excited. This is the first project that entirely focuses on Thai transsexuals and employs ethnography, sociological, and a psychological approach. So I hope that my audience will come see the exhibit with an open mind and try to understand these people for who they are without judging.

Is this your most provocative exhibition?
No. But I think it is perhaps the most educational project, the most valuable and that it deserves attention from people from all walks of life.

Any obstacles or challenges while shooting?
Trying to find subjects who love art for art’s sake is difficult and challenging. Most of them want compensation. Again, in Thailand and Asia, it’s very difficult to find people who really understand art and want to be a part of a great project. Many are worried about how to survive, which is understandable.

What’s next? Any future projects?
I am working on a calendar and a new book. But I’m still trying to expand this project so that I can start doing a traveling show internationally.


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