Director Lalada “Gift” Kusolsak of the new theater group Polkadot Production revives Dreambox’s Sam Sao Sam Sam (The Three Wicked Ladies), an interactive comedy about three immoral women whose fate in the afterlife is decided by the audience.

Who is behind this new production company?
Polkadot Production consists of people who love art and culture. We come together with a purpose of creating something accessible and new for a younger generation. Sam Sao Sam Sam will be our first production.

How did you get to direct Sam Sao Sam Sam?
I’ve been involved in theater since university and have had experience in stage directing as well as coaching actors. But this is my directorial debut, thanks to Dreambox and the Polkadot Production’s members for trusting me and letting me have a go.

The play was first put on in 1996 and again in 2002, what are the reasons for this year’s restaging?
Since we’re just starting out, we wanted to do a small-scale production and Sam Sao Sam Sam is a perfect fit. There are only three main characters and the sets are also pretty simple. Another reason was that the play is very funny and timely, thus making it accessible to the audiences.

Who are the actresses?
They came from an audition organized by Dreambox. Some of them have acting experience but they’re all pretty much new.

Is there any pressure considering the two previous productions featured seasoned actresses?
Not really. We’re a small production company so we’re taking it step by step. Besides, I have faith in these actresses and their potential. Who knows, this could be their springboard to something bigger.

What’s next for Polkadot?
We’re looking to do something fresh and perhaps a bit more avant-garde.


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