Chaotic and colorful, Kiat-anan Eiamchan’s paintings, like the Flower Deliverer, use cartoony characters to caricature our flaws.

Medium: Acrylic on canvas.

Inspiration: I find inspiration within myself. The flying man in the painting represents my generation. This man has his eyes stitched shut but is still looking for something; it’s like most of us who are still working in order to survive.

Message and meaning: The cartoon characters are represented in different postures that represent different behaviors. The bad ones are portrayed as monsters. Those that have circlets on their head represent someone who is closely attached to the material world, and is always thinking highly of himself or herself.

How can a viewer approach this piece of work? Although my painting uses fun, colorful cartoon characters, the message and idea behind it, in fact, reflects an intense, stressful and disorganized human life. Basically, I want my audience to experience my work as something fun yet they should be aware of the hidden messages beneath.


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