Inspired by the simple aesthetic of lines, La Lanta’s Young Program artist Jirachaya “May” Pripwai tells us how drawing helps bring her peace of mind and explains her latest works in Lyrics of Lines.

Technique & medium: Drawing, ink on paper.

What are the thoughts behind this exhibition? I use art therapeutically and I find that creating art helps me to relax, even though there’s so much concentrating going on. Lyrics of Lines is a direct result of my meditative journey. It may sound a bit religious, but to me it’s a therapy which brings me serenity.

Can you tell us about the Young Program and how do you get involved with it? P’Fon [Sukontip Ostick, founder of La Lanta Fine Arts] came up with this campaign to support and promote young local artists. She saw my work and really liked it, so she wanted me to be the inaugural artist for this program.

Why do you find lines so appealing? Lines are the most basic form of art. It’s very pure and organic because you use your hand and a pen to create a line. I am moved by their fluidity and simplicity, which, to me, is beauty.

How did you achieve this stunning pattern effect? The fabric-like patterns are purely accidental. I never really noticed it until all the pieces are complete. However, it’s important to remember that these works are intended to be abstract. They are not meant to convey anything in particular. It’s only the process of creating them that I pay attention to.

Follow up the Inspired by the fluid quality of lines at Lyrics of Lines


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