Though they may not yet had an album out, Ezra’s signature sound and style has already earned the four members a faithful following. Always appearing in their remarkable J-rock costumes, they’ve become local darlings for lovers of Japanese music and trends. Aki (vocal), Ic-Q (guitar), Kae (keyboard) and Nut (bass) used to be a cover band, but they are now releasing their first album to prove they have more than just weird looks.

How long has Ezra been around?
Kae: Aki and I formed Ezra eight years ago.

Why do you like J-rock music?
Aki played Japanese cover songs before me. She played J-rock like L’Arc-en-Ciel. When I met her, I started playing these kinds of songs too.

When did you think of playing your own songs?
I’m the newest member who joined the band two years ago. I was the first to begin composing songs and I let the others comment on them. We all liked one so we asked Aki to write lyrics in Japanese. It became our first single “Gonna be with You.” We made CDs and sold them at our shows. There were quite a number of people who bought it and became our fans. After a while, we all thought we should make an album.

Can you speak Japanese?
Yes, but not much. Aki is the only one who is fluent.
Nut: I speak a little Japanese because I took some courses. I can roughly understand what is being said.

Do you guys like J-rock?
Before I met these guys, I played other kinds of songs—mostly ‘60s or ‘70s tunes like The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, or The Beatles. When I met Ezra who plays L’Arc-en-Ciel, I liked it because L’Arc’s guitarist plays in an American blues style.
Kae: Before I met Aki, I had no idea what J-rock was. When I listened to it, I felt excited—it’s challenging. So I just kept playing. Our album isn’t 100% Japanese, it’s a mixture of our preferences.

Do you dress like this in your everyday life?
It depends on the occasion. If I go eat noodles somewhere near my home, I don’t dress this style, but if it’s a social event, it’s this style.
Aki: We usually dress like this at concerts. In my daily life I dress pretty much this way. I always like punk style.

Do people look at you strangely when you dress J-rock style?
At these events, usually the audience dresses more outrageous than we do.


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