Interview: The Radio Dept.
The shoegaze-influenced Swedish band will be back in town for their sophomore gig. Singer Johan Duncanson recalls some of their memorable moments.
How has the group’s sound evolved over the years?
We’ve moved from noisy to less noisy to clean and back.
Who are your biggest influences?
Our influences change over time so it's hard to say. Right now it's early Soft Machine.
Which collaborations have been the most exciting?
It was very interesting and exciting to write music for Marie Antoinette. In the end Sofia Coppola used songs that we had already released but first we made a couple exclusively for the film. Even though they weren't used, which I don't mind at all, the process of writing those songs with a film in mind was fantastic.
What's the biggest paycheck you've ever received?
It must have been Marie Antoinette. I don't remember exactly how much it was but I think we got 7,000 euros or something like that. But I didn't spend it all in one go. Even though Sweden is expensive I could quit my job and live off that money for about seven to eight months.
What projects would you guys like to work on that you haven’t had the chance to yet?
Tons of things from writing soundtracks to making films of our own. I'd also like to put out fanzines and photo books, and to release records more frequently.
What do you have to say to your imitators?
We'd say keep it up. We all began as imitators. After a while you find a voice that is your own.
For fame or money?
For real.
The Radio Dept. plays April 23, 8pm at TAB