His younger brother Nichkhun is already a top K-pop star but Nichan Horvejkul, 25, is just starting to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. He talks to BK ahead of starring in the new stage play Wun Fun Tuen.

How did you get your start in showbiz?
After finishing my bachelor’s degree in computer engineering in the USA, I moved back to Thailand and appeared in Ploy’s music video for “Dream On.” That’s how I discovered that I enjoy acting, so I decided to learn more about it. My parents don’t mind that I haven’t gone into the engineering field as they realize this is a great opportunity for me.

What projects do you have lined up?
I’ll have a lead role in a new stage performance entitled Wun Fun Tuen this month at M Theatre alongside my sister, Chereen (Nachjaree Horvejkul). Recently an Indonesian cosmetics brand held a poll on who their customers would rather meet, me or Korean singer Kim Hyung-jun. I got more votes so they set up a fan meet in Korea. Afterwards, an Indonesian entertainment company contacted me and asked if I would play a Korean doctor in a new movie because I have a Korean look. That’s my next big project.

How did you become known in Indonesia?
I was very surprised to discover that I have Indonesian fans. I think they know me as Nichkhun’s brother because 2PM once toured there. K-pop is very big in Indonesia. It’s good to know I have international fans who admire me and my work.

Do people often compare you with Nichkhun?
Definitely. People have compared us ever since I entered the entertainment business back in 2009, but we are not the same person. Nichkhun and I both studied abroad yet we’re very close to one another. I still keep in touch and support him in every way possible, though he’s usually in Korea rehearsing. I really don’t mind if someone compares me to him. I’m determined to just do my best and time will tell.

What do you make of your brother’s latest scandal (a DUI vehicle crash)?
It was a huge mistake, I think. He really needs to use it as a big life lesson and move on. It’s the type of thing that will make him stronger and help him become a better man. I’ve talked to him about the accident and told him it’s going to be okay, just don’t give up. He didn’t kill anyone. We’re all beside him, his family and his fans. If he was charged with a serious crime or fired from the band, I would be sad, but we have no right to call for anything to be done to him.

What are your future plans?
I will continue to work hard as an actor because I want to be a movie star. But if I can’t make it, I wouldn’t mind working with my mom in her pharmaceutical business. It would be great to find fame throughout Asia like my brother, so that more foreign people get to learn about Thailand. Interview by Monthakan Chantra


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