Famed Korean performance group Nanta made their Bangkok debut on Sep 21 and will be here until 2014. We speak to the performers, referred to here by their character names, about their hilarious cooking show.

Do you practice your cooking performance with real knives? Have you ever had a serious accident during the practice or show?
Yes, we practice with real knives. It took us a while to get used to them, and of course, we had several accidents.
Head chef: But we’re not afraid of using real knives. There were only minor injuries.
Sexy guy: Before using real knives, we first practice hitting a tire with wooden sticks. Later, when we feel confident that we can use real knives, we use them on chopping boards.

Isn’t it boring performing the same story every day?
There are different audiences every day and because of their joyfulness and cheerfulness, we never feel bored. I’m thankful that people all over the world enjoy our show.
Head chef: We perform under all kinds of circumstances which is always challenging and fun especially when the other actors are also enjoying themselves. This is the power of Nanta.

How do you deal with underwhelming responses?
Sexy guy:
The show must go on! There is no such thing as “no response.”
Hot Sauce: Nanta is well-known all over the world. So, no response from the audience would be absurd. If that happens, we actors encourage ourselves to continue our performance.

You’ve been touring so many places all over the world. Which is your favorite?
Head chef:
In Germany, somewhere in the countryside. During the performance, there were some Korean exchange students holding our national flag and cheering. Because of this incident, German people also came to know that Nanta is from Korea.
Sexy guy: Right now, it is Thailand. I feel this performance will be memorable and I hope to stay a bit longer.
Nephew: In my opinion, that would be Japan. When Japan suffered those earthquakes, Japanese people were holding their hands and said that Nanta gave them hope. I will never forget that moment.

What’s next after Nanta?
I haven’t thought about it. Maybe Nanta will be my last performance.
Head chef: I’m in love with Nanta. So I’m going to perform a lot longer. Later on, I’m thinking of films or the theater.
Hot sauce: Still, I’m devoting my career to Nanta, so no future changes for now.


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