As one of the apprentices of local art collective :phunk Studio (who took home the title Artist of the Year at this year’s I-S Readers’ Choice Awards), young artist Lin Yushan’s kaleidoscopic works are informed by the transcendental nature that is the universe. Terry Ong has a quick chat with Lin at her recent group show TRANSMISSION: Kaleidoscope, held at :phunk Studio’s new art gallery.

Why etching prints?
The illustrations I draw are generally linear and often contain fine details, hence the format. Also the concept of repetition in a kaleidoscope mirrors the processes in printmaking, where many copies of a similar image can be produced from a single plate.

What inspires you?
The natural world; it is like an encyclopedia of textures, patterns and colors. The fascination with psychedelic stuff also influences my thoughts on the idea of extraction and abstraction.

Is art a reflection of life or a mystery?
Both. Art could be a reflection of the artist’s expression, thought and also a mystery to people viewing it. Everyone would have a different emotion when they see an artwork.

Where do you see yourself in another five years?
I see myself as a visual artist expressing my ideas and illustrations across different mediums. It would be great to expand my illustrations across different areas like that of wallpaper design, textile and perhaps even fashion prints.

Without art, life would be… 
Merely an existence instead of living.

Famous last words?
Go ahead, do as you please.

TRANSMISSION: Kaleidoscope is on through June 9 at PHUNK.


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