As a child, I was constantly surrounded, and still am, by a cast of female characters worthy of their own feature film titled “Ladies with Balls of Steel.”
My gran was the sort of lady who would smack a rogue rat with a cricket bat. My immediate neighbor drank her whisky from gorgeous crystal glasses and had heady parties all the time.
My mom has been known to take off her shoe and hit a would-be molester in the streets.
I wanted to be a ballerina till we did the splits, and an athlete till I broke my toe. Then there was the whole chef period. Now I watch others do it, and call my job TV host?
Strong, stylish women influence me, as do retro architecture and old world glamour. I love the elegance and attitude of old world charm, minus the women as sex object thing so easily accepted by the Mad Men groupies.
Pure kindness and that sort of lion-heartedness that’s almost missing from the world today inspire me.
I have a couple of Indian ragas sent to me by a pal a few years ago that are on constant replay. They are my go-to tunes to clear any brain fog... this brain gets fogged often.
Impeccable manners are incredibly sexy, especially when they’re not obvious.
Wicked wit is a dying art and the to and fro is the best sort of foreplay without an end product.
Dark alleys are like dirty sex, seemingly forbidden.
I abhor cruelty in any manner. It is incredulous that mankind has become so jaded that verbal and physical abuse, dominance over the poor and marginalized, and megalomania, are now virtues.
It is heartening, though, to see the hollow towers crumbling across the globe.
Last night I had a massive plate of nasi goreng in bed in my hotel at 2am after a hugely long shooting day. Yes, it’s the lazy gourmet’s way, but after making love to a camera and talking for 10 hours straight, I earned it, dammit!
When I have time for a routine it needs to start with a cup of tea, allow for me to check Facebook 20 times, and end with an iPad cuddle.
I subscribe to intelligent fairness. Governments and industries have lost the plot in so many ways, are so mired in rhetoric and believing their own bullshit, it’s like watching train wreck reality TV. What happened to the meaning and expression of humanity?
Stop talking. My life is about connecting, talking, listening and learning. When I need to reconnect, I stop, literally. Plus it’s so nice for the people who love me to receive some peace once in a while.
Famous last words? Are you f***ing kidding me!?