After having been actively involved with several of Bangkok Community Theatre’s Fringe performances, Justin Brooks tells us about the new production he is helping co-direct, Inspire Me!, which promises feel-good, Glee-like fun for all.

How did you get involved with this production?
Inspire Me! came about as a result of the recent political chaos, when we recognized the need for an uplifting new approach to musical theatre that not only showcases young hidden talent in Bangkok but also allows people to express their feelings and hopes for a brighter future.

What is Inspire Me! about?
It follows a group of students through their final year of school where important life decisions have to be made and chances have to be taken. We see how differences can bring people together but also push people apart.

Who are some of the actors/performers?
All the performers are under 22 years of age and come from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures. We have a core of experienced singers, a sub-core of fantastic dancers, and an energetic ensemble that form a total cast of 35.

What are some of the challenges you faced during the making of this show?
As the project is non-profit the trickiest thing has been securing reasonable prices for everything that will go into the show. There are some special effects, which although amazing, prove quite challenging logistically and financially! The cast, however, have all been simply sensational.

What’s next for you?
The future’s bright! Taking a leaf out of the Inspire Me! book, I will keep setting goals and try my best to work towards them, the first goal being to direct another show featuring actors and performers of any age. So watch this space!
Catch Inspire Me! at Moonstar Studio


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