The band Slot Machine has gained attention recently from their modern rock single “Pan.” Their second album Mutation was warmly welcomed at the FAT Festival and many other smaller events. Kak (bass), Vit (guitar), First (vocals), Yuth (keyboard) and Auto (drum) are on tour now and will soon head off Slot Machine Mutation Night on Dec 24, at EVI Park.

How do you know one another?
Kak and I were old bandmates and we got the other three to replace the leaving members. Yuth was introduced to me through our first album’s producer and he brought in Vit and Auto, his friends.

Why is your sound on this album so different?
We didn’t really express ourselves on the first album. Back then, we didn’t have enough experience, so the producers wrote the songs for us. With this band and the new members, we spent two years learning about making music. This album came out the way we wanted it to be.

How was it working with Scott Moffatt as your producer?
When we finished all the songs and were ready for recording, we realized that it is a process we had little knowledge about. Scott arrived just at the right time.
Yuth: He helped make the sound more international.

Do you tour a lot these days?
We do about three to four concerts a week, but before it was like seven days a week.

You must be rich.
We only get paid two out of every 20 shows.

On your album, some songs are very accessible but others are not.
Accessibility is never in our mind when we make music. We never think that we have to make this song commercial or make that song artistic. Every song is Slot Machine-style.

Last words?
We put all our effort into the album. I think it’s worth buying. Please don’t buy pirated CDs.


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