For some artists, art is for art’s sake but for Anupan Pluckpankhajee art is for all. After graduating from the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, he volunteered as a teacher for Morgan students in Surin Island and worked for the Children’s Foundation until his life changed when he went to study in a Wardorf school in Germany. Since then he uses his art more for therapy, as an art therapist at Samitivej Hospital, than as a mode of free expression.

How did you get started in art?
I have always been fond of art even when I studied in the Faculty of Education. My teacher was so excited that a guy at my age would be enthusiastic enough to hold a solo exhibition. I was the first in my year to have one.

Why didn’t you become a government teacher?
Because I want to work with children and I wanted a certain degree of freedom and creativity in my teaching methods.

What is art therapy?
If a kid cannot walk straight like ordinary people, we can use music or poetry to help him find a balance, to help him organize his body. Art therapy helps balance your mind, your life and sometimes your body. It’s called art therapy but it’s not restricted to drawing or painting only. It can be sculpture, movement or whatever. In Germany, they divide it into subcategories like clay therapy or painting therapy.

Where did you learn this kind of therapy?
I learned from Bordox, an idealistic school that has been operating for more than a hundred years. It doesn’t teach art but it teaches humanism. It focuses on working with children aesthetically. Art isn’t just a subject; it’s a drive to grow and flourish. The school uses art to elevate the mind of the patient, to relax their mind and to cure them.

How did you start as an art therapist here?
I presented my portfolio at Samitivej Hospital and Doctor Jom, who works in the children psychology department, got interested so he asked me to join. The more I worked, the more I saw changes in Thai society. There’s an unnoticed imbalance that happens in a materialistic society. There are more and more rare diseases occurring with people. I see how violence and the lack of love in a family can affect a child. There are many similar cases.


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