Actor-turned-director Apirak “Yo” Chaipanhat of 8x8 Theater tells us about Horse… Just wanna be a horse not human, a collaborative production with Life Theater that’s inspired by Thai folklore Kaew Nah Mah and Murakami’s novel Hear the Wind Sing.

What’s the background to this production? I’ve always wanted to do something with the classic tale of Kaew Nah Mah. It’s interesting to note that the story doesn’t really have a happy ending like most people think. How can you be sure that the protagonist, who was born with a horse-like face, is truly happy when a magical hermit turns her into a beautiful woman, just to make a prince happy? Are we afraid of being ourselves in order to please others? I wanted to expand on that in this production.

How is it also inspired by Murakami’s novel Hear the Wind Sing? Murakami’s work has the distinct undertones of melancholy, black comedy and a sense of surrealism. It also poses a question: are you content with

where you are in life now? I wanted to incorporate that into Horse.
What category or genre would you say this production falls into? All I can say is it starts off with some black comedy, but at the end you may be shedding some tears.

How does being an actor help with directing? Having worked with so many directors in the past, it’s easier for me to tune in with the actors and understand their capabilities. The challenge lies in the fact that the cast comes from different theater troupes so it takes a bit of adjusting. Also, the play doesn’t tell the story from the beginning. It opens with a crisis, so it’s essential for the actors to really get into the characters quickly and be convincing.

Catch Horse at Democrazy Theater Studio.


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