This new service is bringing hip Australian coffee joints closer to you. 

Melbourne, Australia's "hipster capital", is known for its vibrant arts and indie music scene, and (of course) cool roasters specializing in artisanal coffee.

If you're a fan of names such as Seven Seeds, Industry Beans and Market Lane, you can now try making your own cafe-standard cuppa. Launching on May 25, is an e-commerce platform offering fancy coffee beans from 14 of Mebourne's most popular cafes. Besides retailing the cafes' signature blends, the site also has a changing selection of single origin beans from coffee farms all over the world. Caffeine fiends have the option of choosing their favorite type of brews and beans roasted for espresso and filter preparation methods. 
More information can be found on Facebook and Instagram

For a local alternative, check out these local specialty coffee shops, many of which sell house-roasted beans.



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