Tag your social media posts to celebrate all that's great about Singapore

To mark the 18th anniversary of I-S Magazine, we turned the cover story over to a host of artists, entrepreneurs and other friends of the magazine, and asked them to tell us what they think makes Singapore so special. We even made a video!

But we don’t want to stop there. It’s easy to be cynical about what’s wrong with Singapore, and easy to overlook all the awesome things about living here. So next time you tell Facebook how great your day was, Instagram your way through another epic meal, or tweet about how crazy things got at Zouk last night, tag it #weheartsg to share it with the rest of us. Hopefully we can get some momentum behind it. Maybe there’s a book in it. In any event, over the coming year we’ll run as many posts as we can in the magazine, and be sure to share with you all the reasons that here at I-S #weheartsg. 


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