Finally, the news that all big wheel drinkers have been waiting for. While browsing Facebook, we discovered FYS Instead Driving Service (02-245-0971, who offer a service that will get you and your beloved ride home when you’re too drunk to drive, thus saving you from an unwanted accident or a run in with the police. This type of service is already popular abroad where fines and taxi prices are extremely high. (For instance, Drunk Rescue in the US claims it’s “always cheaper than a cab.”) But here, in a country where a taxi to Suvarnabhumi costs B400, the fee of B500 for the first 12km (and B50 for every 5km thereafter) doesn’t really make sense, unless you really must get your Mercedes back home at night. If you do want to try the service, call them at least 30 minutes in advance, and they will calculate the price using Google Maps.


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