There’s a popular misconception that turn-ing off an electronical device is enough to stop it from consuming energy. The truth, however, is that an appliance can still use up to as much as 10% of its energy just by simply being plugged into the socket. With that in mind, make it a habit before going to work or going to bed to unplug any de-vices you won’t be using for a while—for in-stance, research shows that most TVs are left on standby for around 17 hours a day without being used. Think of all the ener-gy you could save by simply unplugging it!
Possibly the most straightforward step is to think twice about how much food, water and electricity you truly need. Consider how much food waste you throw out a week, and whether this can be cut. Do you really need to take a bath rather than a shower? Do you need to tumble dry your clothes or can Bangkok’s scorching heat help them air dry? Keeping these things in mind when doing your day-to-day tasks can help ensure you don’t consume more than you need.
A huge part of sustainability is being able to provide for yourself without relying on external sources. A great way to do this is by growing edible plants in your house—for instance herbs like basil, mint, and ginger can easily be grown in a confined, indoor space. Other options suitable for the house include garlic, tomatoes, sal-ad leaves and green beans. Not only is gardening a therapeutically relaxing ac-tivity, but the plants can also double as a great form of decoration and help im-prove the air quality in your home.
With the rainy season coming up, now’s a great time to set up some rain-water collection devices in your house, which can be as simple as placing bot-tles or buckets to collect runoff water from your roof. This water can then be reused for many household tasks, like watering plants and cleaning, and help to reduce the use of water from your main water supply.
Sorting out your trash into paper, plas-tic and recyclables is easy and very ef-fective in helping waste management. To do this, set up well-labeled trash cans for each category in your house and be sure to recycle the appropriate items. While you’re at it, don’t forget that any plastic grocery bags you have from shopping can later be used as bin liners to help separate your trash easi-ly without you having to buy extra plas-tic bags.
A closer look at Thailand’s Co2 emissions
279,253 Co2 emissions (kilo tons)
0.77% Percentage of world Co2 emissions
4.1 Emission per capita (tons)
22nd Ranking in world for most CO2 emission
[Source: European Commission and Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2015]
Organizing Carbon Neutral Events
The Carbon Neutral Events program is an environmental re-sponsibility project that helps to reduce greenhouse gases and build capacity for the Thai MICE industry in response to current customer demand.
TCEB partnered with Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) to prepare carbon footprint assessment guidelines, support MICE oper-ators to stage events with more consideration towards the envi-ronment and embark on a jour-ney for a low-carbon society.
Check out TCEB’s Carbon Neutral Events guide which out-lines the key facts organizations should be aware of when or-ganizing a carbon-free event. It provides steps on how to calcu-late energy used, pre- and post-event measures, the benefits of organizing a sustainable event and much more.
What is MICE?
M – Meetings
I – Incentives
C – Conventions
E – Exhibitions & Events