Having proven her psychic abilities time and again on her Sunday night television program, Aor See You, Suppharat Thamsuriya has gained many fans and viewers. She is the third generation in a psychic family, and has also gained a master’s degree in Organization Policy from Boston University. She grew up in Australia, has lived in the States for years but still hops in and out of Thailand because of her ability of foresee. While everyone else may be using their “gift” to make money, she uses hers to keep others out of trouble.

I’m neither a good person nor a bad person. I’m in the middle, like normal people. My vision is just wider. Others might take 10 years to learn about someone, but I can read them at once, even if I don’t see or know that person well.

Superstition and rationality might be two different paths, but they are parallel and can exist together.

Kids that parents don’t pamper too much always grow up strong and want to be the best, too. These kinds of kids don’t like anyone putting blame on them—that’s why they’re strong and survive. If my child were falling down I would let him fall, then learn how to stand up again. That way a child learns the hurt of a fall and becomes more careful.

Humans learn from the past; what we have today is the result from the past. But are you going to use your past to weaken or strengthen yourself? That’s the question.

Textbooks are the result of human experience. Some are applicable to the present time and some are irrelevant. Look at Tripitaka (Buddhist scriptures)—it was revised many times to be more appropriate to the current era.

Just because I can see something that others can’t doesn’t mean I’m making it up. It’s just like when you breathe in the air—you can’t see it, but you know it’s there. It’s the same thing with the spirit world—you don’t see it but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Eighty percent of fate depends on our actions, while 20% is from feng shui and ngol heng. Can you live without knowing these things? Of course you can, because you still have your other 80%! But if you have the other 20% to support you, you’ll be even better off. When you are losing your 80%, you still have your 20% backup.

Some people don’t have enough money to eat but they take out loans to reconstruct their houses because they want to be rich by changing feng shui. Where is the guarantee in that?

When you go to see a fortuneteller and he/she says that you will get this and that or you will be rich, but you do nothing but wait for it to happen...do you think that person would actually ever get rich? It’s all about acting, not waiting around for something to happen to you.

I don’t want anyone to believe in me unless they can prove what I say is true or not.

After practicing dharma I find the most peaceful moment and I hold on to it. I know now what is good and what makes me happy.

I’m both Catholic and Buddhist and I pray both in Thai and Chinese. All religion comes from the same root.

I do believe in destiny and somehow don’t believe in it, too. Everything can change by our own hands.

I do believe in karma. Humans can’t delete their karma from the past, but you can change it if you have strong will.

Everyone does things and expects to get something in return. You donate B10 to charity but expect to win the lottery. Really making merit is when you expect nothing in return.

What goes around comes around. What I did to my parents, now my two sons are doing back to me.


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