1. The width should be at least 2.5 meters so that two wheelchairs can pass each other comfortably.
2. The gradient from the sidewalk to road level should be around 5 degrees.
3. Zebra crossings (crosswalks) at all intersections and every 100-120 meters.
4. Walking is entirely at street level: no skywalks or pedestrian bridges.
5. The Braille block path (for the blind)should be free of obstacles and consistently warn of intersections.
6. Intervals in grates should be under a 1/2 inch and perpendicular to the direction of travel so that wheels on strollers or wheelchairs don’t get jammed in the grates.
7. Street vendors should have their own designated space, leaving the sidewalk to pedestrians.
8. Trees provide shade and process carbon dioxide. Ideally, sidewalks should benefit from some kind of shade, either from trees or awnings.
9. Bicycles lanes should be on the road, not the sidewalk. They should be one meter wide.
10. Surfaces should be smooth and free of any holes likely to make people trip.