Unlike typical fortune tellers Sumalee Awaekaji or Bim, 49, doesn’t use cards or blackboard to see the future but asks her customers to pick a leaf from a tree. For 17 years she’s been at Tha Chang, talking to people—just don’t ask for the lottery numbers.

How did you start doing this?
This gift has been in my family for generations. My father got it from my grandfather but I am the only female to receive the gift. It can’t be taught, it’s just something you can naturally do. I started predicting for my friend. She felt that I could help people and asked me to come and work here at Tha Chang. That was 17 years ago.

How much do you make per month?
I earn about B50,000 a month. But I do have to pay rent and other monthly expenses.

What factors determine the accuracy of your prediction?
The customers own minds. I always tell them that if you want to know something, bring the leaf that you like and a determined mind.

How good at this are you?
I wouldn’t say I’m good at predicting what’s going to happen but most of the feedback I get is positive. People don’t just say I can predict things correctly but also that they feel comfortable talking to me.

Do people ever claim you’re just guessing?
Of course. There was an engaged couple who came to see me and I told them they didn’t belong together. They were kind of angry and showed me the ring. I told them you don’t have to believe me. Turns out they didn’t get married in the end because of some accident.

What is the major problem of people who come to see you?
Everything: family, love, money, health. But it’s not just people with problems who come see me. Some are perfectly fine and happy. Some ask for the lottery numbers. I tell them that if I were able to tell, I’d rather tell myself first.

What’s the strangest case?
I had a customer who felt there was something following him around. I could tell that there was a spirit following him so I connected with that spirit and asked it to go away.

What’s the worse thing about the job?
I never have time to go anywhere or for myself. For that reason I might stop someday. My father is now 82, but people still come see him everyday.

Any advice for fans of fortune tellers?
That the more often you go, the more you suffer if it’s not what you wanted to hear. Listen with a neutral mind, and don’t believe everything 100 percent. At the end, you are the only person you can rely on. What happens is the result of your own actions.


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