Tokyo’s world famous fish market, Tsukiji, is set to close in 2014 to relocate to more modern digs. Nearly every bit of fish destined for sushi bars the world over transits through the market, hence its fame. To visit, one must get there by 4:30am and queue up for a chance to be one of the 120 happy few who will get to see the lively auctions where big tuna can fetch more than a luxury car. But if you’re lazy (like us), there’s still plenty to see on the retail side of the market after the auctions end and the market opens up to shoppers, around 9am. The market is getting old though (which gives it much of its charm), it’s located on prime property (in Ginza) and an increasing number of tourists would like a peek at the auctions. The new market should have plenty of space for spectators, and even some more touristy nooks with cooking demonstrations.


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