After being appointed as the youth ambassador for the Asian Film Awards, Thai superstar Mario Maurer was tapped by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) to create an itinerary video showcasing the country’s most iconic cinema landmarks and hidden gems. 

Mario Maurer, known for his comedic to dramatic range in hits like “Love of Siam” (2007), “First Love” (2010), and “Pee Mak” (2013), transforms his look into HK cinema’s favorite characters as he traverses the city.

Starting with the 800-meter-long Central Mid-Level Escalator which was the filming location for “Chungking Express” (1994), Maurer steals the ultimate Wong Kar-Wai leading man look, clad in a police officer uniform, mimicking Tony Leung’s lovesick cop character. Maurer also weaves his way through shophouses and bustling streets, getting glimpses of Hong Kong daily life as he passes by. 

Another check-in spot for HK film enthusiasts is the Hung Wan Cafe, aka the Lucky Cafe, in “The Lucky Guy” (1998). Maurer dressed up for the occasion as waiter Ho Kam Sui, the leading role originally portrayed by Stephen Chow. 

Hung Wan Cafe is just one out of many Cha Chaan Teng, Hong Kong’s East meets West fusion diners slash cafes. You can grab a bite of everything from wonton noodles to steak and a good ol’ cup of milk tea.

He ends the trip at Tai Kwan, a refurbished heritage building which was once a police compound turned arts and culture center. The space was used by director Herman Yau to film the romantic drama, “77 Heartwarmings” (2021) which starred Maurer himself.

If you haven’t gotten your fill, HKTB also launched a guide for you to trace the steps of more quintessential Hong Kong films such as “Infernal Affairs” (2002), “Fallen Angels” (1995), and more.

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