Changi Airport has just launched the Weekend Escapades mobile app offering destination-based information and maps, flight searches and airline deals.

Changi Airport has just launched a Weekend Escapades mobile app offering destination-based information and maps, flight searches and airline deals.

The app offers write-ups on 30 cities across 11 countries all within a five-hour flight radius of Singapore. And users can filter the results by country and by event. There are details on popular tourist attractions, activities, food, shopping and hotels. The information is arranged by price range and the app even offers a short itinerary for each city with an accompanying map.

Ho Zhi Li the marketing communications manager at Changi Airport Group (CAG) says, “We are planning to add new functions, such as allowing users to share a particular destination, an itinerary planner, and maybe a function that allows searching by interest. We are also looking at creating an iPad version of the app.”

Download the Weekend Escapades app for iPhone at iTunes and Andriod at Google Play.

For more details, check out our interview with Ho Zhi Li the marketing communications manager at Changi Airport Group (CAG).


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