Your chance to explore inside a iconic landmark of Singapore's past

Remember the massive market affair at Tanjong Pager Railway Station in 2016? For one day, the national monument of Singapore housed installations, film screenings, a market, and live music performances (though all we remember is the human tsunami). It was overcrowded for sure, but a fun, modern way to take a peek into Singapore's transportation past.  

If you missed out on that, don't panic. The same group of people behind the iconic market are organizing another one, to enliven yet another forgotten heritage site. Together with the Singapore Land Authority (SLA), The Local People are bringing back another art market on Aug 22—this time at the abandoned, red-bricked Pasir Panjang Power Station.

Needless to say, the Pasir Panjang Power Station Open House Art Market will be a rare opportunity to take a look inside the former power station, now owned by SLA and fenced up on a daily basis. It remains to be seen if the art market this year will be as crowded as the previous one, but you can definitely look forward to a myriad of activities, from mainstream painting on canvas to alternative new media art installations. With an exciting new addition, this year's event also has 10 caged art exhibitions for visitors to explore. 

As for music, the August market will feature even more live music shows, with performances by local acapella group The Apex Project, rock band Shirlyn + The Unexpected, and a DJ set by Ginette Chittick. Come late and you can even be part of a silent disco. Food vendors on the day include local brands like The Travelling C.O.W (Chef on Wheels) and popsicle people Popaganda. And aside from just shopping, you’re also encouraged to bring along food to donate to TLP’s charity partnership with Food from the Heart

Frankly, we've been intrigued to have a poke around the space since our talk with heritage buff Jerome Lim, who conducted a private tour inside in 2017. After all, who knows when's the next time it'll be opened up to the public again?

The Power Station Art Market happens Aug 22 at Pasir Panjang Power Station. More information is available here.


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