...especially if you haven't started.

It’s the season to be jolly, but with that comes the mind-boggling dilemma of what gifts to get your loved ones. Techy gifts might be a safe choice, but not everyone will appreciate them. If you're strapped for time, out of ideas or just generally lazy (but you don't want to be that guy who goes to parties empty-handed), then this local company might save your life.

Folks and Stories makes gift-giving a little more "personal" with their three distinct personality boxes: the Entertainer, Explorer and Thinker. Each box cost $38 and is filled with a combination of at least five different edible and memorable items that they feel exemplify the various personalities. For example, the Explorer box will have a Cayenne Pepper nut mix for quick boost of energy while the Thinker box will contain a sachet to make a calming cup of lemongrass green tea. Add a message for a more personal touch.

More personalities are in the works, so keep your eyes peeled for updates.


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