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[food] [review] [Bangkok] [Thailand]
I recently ate at Escapees Bakes and Shurgers. I was very upset by the treatment I received. First, I could not find parking on Phra Athit Road, and was very late. I was already very irritated and the waiter smiled, but not a warm, glowing smile. Just kind of a “thanks for coming” smile. I think this is not a service mind that we pay for and that Thailand has lost its charm.
Anyway, we sat down and waited for our menus. The waiter walked past our table several times, carrying dirty plates people had eaten in. (Eww.) And then he brought us a menu. Now, I don’t run a restaurant, but I do have experience as a bank teller, and we never do two things at once. Can’t they have people for the menus and people for the plates?
I’m not the kind of person who likes to complain. But the air was very warm on the outdoor terrace, which is rather unacceptable. The waiter just couldn’t get the fan’s orientation to both cool us, the other guests, and ruffle my girlfriend’s hair in a sexy shampoo ad kind of way. We complained and he suggested we change tables, but did not offer to fix global warming or pay for our meal.
I understand it is difficult to find good staff. But can’t waiters get some basic training in environmental science? I don’t think it’s too much to ask when you’re paying B250 for a piece of bread with a beef patty inside.
Now what I don’t accept is when management is just as bad. I really tried to be diplomatic, explaining to the manager the utter stupidity of his worthless staff and how I would potentially refrain from posting this whole episode on Pantip if he offered us free food for a year. But the manager, who was busy having dinner with friends (during working hours, really?), turned down my generous offer. We only wanted cool air, outdoor seating and someone holding the fan in the exact position we had described. Which part of this simple request did he not understand?
We don’t wish these people ill will, but it is highly deserved that their restaurant go bust and shut down forever, leaving them with debts that their children’s children will continue to pay off. Please share.
31 ตุลาคม เวลา 17:29 น.
Page 3 is satire, not news. Read more Page 3 here.


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