Arom Phoharnrattanakul, aka Cutto, 32, the frontman of pop duo Lipta, has more than 200,000 followers on Facebook and has garnered 63 million views on his popular YouTube channel Tigercry. Following the release of Lipta’s 3rd album, Young, Cutto talks to BK about his past insecurites and how social media helps keep him sane. 

Arom Phoharnrattanakul, aka Cutto, 32, the frontman of pop duo Lipta, has more than 200,000 followers on Facebook and has garnered 63 million views on his popular YouTube channel Tigercry. Following the release of Lipta’s 3rd album, Young, Cutto talks to BK about his past insecurites and how social media helps keep him sane.

I love songwriting. It’s like exercising my muscles. I can do it anywhere, anytime. It’s what drew me to be a singer and join Tan [Tanon Liptapanlop] in Lipta.
This album was on hold for a long time. We tried to release it in 2011, but there were the big floods. Then there was a political crisis and then another political crisis. I thought we might be jinxed. So, we just decided to release it, anyway.
I was so insecure when I was young. I always compared myself to others. 
You can’t be anyone else but yourself. Otherwise, you lose yourself and stop doing what you love. I eventually found out that I didn’t really care that much about what others were doing. I just needed to find what I’m good at and do it.
Our fans are brilliant. They bring out the best in us. We used to do whatever we wanted in our music, but our fans helped us fine-tune our sound by choosing to listen to the songs that we are best at.
People are afraid to fail when being creative. But  I would say people barely notice when you’re  unsuccessful, but they will remember you when you’re successful.
I didn’t know that writing was fun until I started writing my own books [Timeline (2013), Kien Len Tae Roosuek Jing (2013)]. Not many people thought a romantic songwriter like me would have such a dark side—and they love it, too.
Everyone wears different masks. You can’t be yourself all the time. You have different characters when you’re with your parents, your colleagues or your friends based on how close you are with them. I’m such a krien [jackass] while I’m with my close friends.
I love experimenting. I love to try out everything, from making online TV programs as part of Sue Rong Hai [the team behind the Tigercry channel] on YouTube with my friends or making music with Tan. I feel like it’s kind of like doing scientific tests in the entertainment industry. I won’t stop doing it.

There are only two types of people: those who speak without acting and those who fail until they succeed. It’s a waste of breath saying you want to do something and never doing it. Sue Rong Hai was born out of this. We just wanted to do whatever we wanted instead of always saying, “Oh, there’s no one doing this.” We act as crazy as we want and post it on social media. 
Forming Sue Rong Hai was like bursting out of myself. It gave me the courage to try something new that I’d never done before. It made me walk away from my old patterns and realize that I had been unnecessarily insecure for a long time. 
Social networking is like my psychiatrist. I think I have some sort of mental problem and I use social media to cure it. I always have these thoughts that seem so different to others’, but through Facebook I see many people out there who might get what I am trying to communicate. I get a lot of friends because of my psychosis. 
Humans love to fight. Each side always thinks they are right, so we keep fighting. We live on the same planet but we are always divided, whether it’s nationality, religion, region, language, lineage, wealth... Even if we were united as one, we’d be looking to fight aliens. We are so strange. 
Social media is designed to make people fight in the comment boxes. It’s like a game. It wears you out. Whenever I’ve done something wrong on social media, I quickly apologize. I don’t want any problems to drag on. 
Accept your flaws. Once you know your flaws, you can then find your boundaries. Once you realize what you can’t do, then you can find new ways to better yourself.
I am a good F. I used to see others and compare them like student grades—A, B, C, D, E—but I was only an F. But after all these years of building my confidence, I finally realize I can be a cool F.
Too much curiosity can result in a cheerless life. The more you grow up and learn, the less fun you have. I want to stop thinking too much.


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