The Australian duo are set to wow audiences with their psychedelic sounds at Laneway 2014. We spoke to their multi-instrumentalist front man Jono Ma about the fresh attention they’re getting, as well as a little trivia.

How did you guys start out and where did the name come from?

We grew up in Sydney. We were supporting other bands and started to make music together. The name is an adaptation of my last name and a painting of a jaguar. It doesn’t have any meaning and was just made up. I don’t know where the hell the painting is. It must be at my friend’s house.

What would be your biggest nightmare in making music?

I don’t want to end up being too detached from making music and end up not liking it. It’d be horrible to wake up and realize you hate what you’re doing.

How are you guys going to end up five years from now?

I’ll be 27 by then. That’s the age when everyone dies. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.

What do you think of social media?

We have social media but we’re not on it every hour. We post things every now and then. We don’t want to come across as a band that spends every waking hour on Twitter. All you need is a phone and you can be in touch with everything and anyone.

Have you experienced any stage invasions?

It’s starting to happen now. I don’t really know what to do. They’ll jump on stage and try to take things away. This girl asked for my sock the other day. And I said to her, “But I won’t have any socks to wear.” She replied, “Well you can have mine.”

Let’s play a game of Shoot, Shag, Marry. I’ll give you Rihanna, Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus. Go!

Shag Rihanna, marry Katy and shoot Miley. I love Katy Perry. Rihanna’s incredibly sexy and Miley’s kind of annoying. It’s ridiculous the amount of airtime she gets.

Jagwar Ma performs at St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival on Jan 25 2014, 11am. The Meadows, Gardens by the Bay. $150 from Sistic.


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