The folks: Siam Winery’s Monson Valley line makes wines from grapes grown in Thailand. Their Colombard, Chenin Blanc and Shiraz have already gotten nods of approval and appear on many wine lists in the city. After this year’s harvest, however, winemaker Kathrin Puff has rolled out several new wines, including some made from grapes we haven’t seen much from this line before, like the Sangiovese.

The grape: A varietal native to Italy, the Sangiovese is the main component of many Tuscan wines, particularly in the famous Chianti region. Some of its characteristics include high acidity, a relatively light body and fruit flavors like cherries and plums. Depending where they are grown, they can take on additional notes of herbs and flowers.

The look: As this is a rose, the skins of the grapes aren’t left in contact with the juice for very long—just three hours in this case. The result is a surprisingly rich, red-pink color.

The smell: Nice! Sour cherries and some unexpected hints of cigars and herbs.

The sip: As expected, it’s got a lot of fresh acidity and a hint of tannin—and a bit more body that we’d have predicted.

The food: Something light and cold. Bruschetta perhaps or a pasta dish.

The damage: B650 at the Siam Winery Office shop (174/1-4 Viphavadee-Rangsit Soi 78, 02-533-5600)


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