If, on our deathbeds, we were unable to speak, and our brains could confess something, what would it be? Top Changtrakul’s mixed media presentation, Deathbed Confession, is inspired by this very question.

Technique and medium: Computer graphic, projection.
Tell us about the concept behind this exhibition.
The exhibition consists of three parts: my self-portrait, an installation, and pieces of text. The 28 self-portraits come under the theme of “Me, Myself and I.” The installation will represent my death scene, using a plaster mannequin as a body, and two small screens serving as the eyes. On top will be a projector screen showing what I’m thinking and would like to say at the moment of my death. The text pieces will be quotes about my life experience. For example, one of the quotes will be “Stop watching porn, and you’ll be more productive.” There will be 20 such quotes.

What about this image of the brain scan in particular?
It is one of the scenes presented on the screen in the installation part. The brain represents my own brain if it could speak, what it would confess in its last moments.

Do the colors red, yellow and green represent anything?
The color usage was selected from my own preferences, as it was my brain, but they do not have some specific meaning. I simply used them to separate the parts of my brain.

Why was the idea of the deathbed confession appealing to you?
In art, we often see artists like Marcel Duchamp and Goya and their work about death. Even in movies, many have significant death scenes, where the actor has something to say before he or she passes away. The concept of the deathbed confession comes from that same impulse, but this exhibition is not the last work before I die; rather, it’s a confession of myself on what art is in my perspective, a confession of my own philosophy.

What do you expect the audience will get out of your work?
I don’t know what exactly they will get out of it. The best I can do is to express my message through my work and let it speak for itself. Vasachol Quadri


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