Ezahn Bueraheng and Sarun Chiewchan, artists and friends, are free spirits who have teamed up for a duo exhibition titled Only This Moment. The two graduates of Silpakorn University mix different ideas and perspectives on a common theme.

What’s your day job?
I own a small art gallery in Trok Mayom, Khao San. My two friends and I produce original artworks for sale there.
Sarun: I’m a freelance, making made-to-order models, of superheroes for example.

Are there any differences between making art as a business and doing an art show?
When I paint for sale, I spend an hour for about six pictures. It’s sketches that can be sold. I keep sketching until I get something that I really like and then I process the idea for my art exhibition. Exhibition works take much longer time.
Sarun: For me, it’s completely opposite. Making models for sale is something that requires very precise details and that I have to do in a way that customers like. While doing the exhibition, I express a more complete picture and I don’t need to go into minute detail or be that delicate. I just touch on my concept, so I can leave fingerprints and so forth on the sculptures.

Why a duo show?
It’s a coincidence. We made our own works, which were different in styles and perspective, but after we talked, we found out that they're based on the same ideas.
Sarun: And we’ve been friends since school.

What do you think of the other’s works?
My concept is like a striking feeling that suddenly hits me at that moment. While Run’s is something that takes time.
Sarun: His works catch my attention; they are something new. Ezahn works on inner feeling, but mine is more outward.

Why Art Gorilla Gallery?
Sometimes small-name artists like us cannot get into the big galleries. Small art venues like Art Gorilla give us a chance to exhibit our work.
Ezahn: It’s an opportunity for audiences as well, so they can have a great variety of choices.

Ezahn, is the model in your paintings you?
Yes. My face can express it all.

What’s behind your art, Sarun?
It’s my past; my ex actually.


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