Peerapat Tenwong, vocalist of the band Crescendo, was in desperate straits not too long ago, and almost quit singing altogether. Then a powerful spitiual experience coaxed him to start again, and he now sings with emotional strength, heart and soul.

When I was a child I sang all the time, and I did not know that I did it well.

My biggest discouragement was from RRR&B’s one and only album because it got very bad feedback. I was so down after that, I stopped singing. I thought this career was fake and I couldn’t make a living from it. I stopped singing for two years.

Meanwhile, whenever I hung out with friends at live music places or doing karaoke, I felt I wanted to sing so bad.

I had no jobs and had many problems, so I prayed to God that if he is protecting me, please tell me why I was born. I cried and prayed to him because I was so down at that time.

The morning after, there was a phone call that asked me to go audition for a cartoon soundtrack. I got that job, and then realized that God answered me.

Nothing in this world is certain.

Nop Ponchamni asked me to enter the Global Battle of The Bands (GBOB) Competition. We all agreed it would be good to see bands from other countries.

The competition was cool. It opened a whole new world for us. We met bands from other countries and saw how they performed.

Even though we didn’t win the competition, it was a great experience. Many things I saw there made me want Thai bands to be like that—each band to have their own signature style.

The Thai music industry is kind of bad because people just buy only MP3s and they listen to whatever is famous at the time, but not because they really like the music.

Artists work with their heart and soul. If you want us to stop singing, buy pirate CDs. If you still want to listen to us, please buy the copyrighted work.


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