We applaud the great PR move

Singapore has long been Apple’s jilted lover. While there are many fanboys (and girls) here, they have always had a proxy relationship with the brand through the likes of EpiCentre, Nubox and many other resellers. When is Apple ever going to fully commit to Singapore, we ask. Well, that question was answered somewhat in late-2015 when news leaked that Apple was finally going to open their own store here at Knightsbridge on Orchard Road.

The talk then was that the store would open some time in 2016, but that obviously didn’t happen. But now, the tech giant has finally taken down the barricades covering the area where the Apple Store is supposed to be, unveiling a love message (dedicated to Singapore) on its still-hoarded storefront, presented using Apple’s typical minimalist iconography. Comprising three icons—the Apple logo, a heart, and a red circle—the message simply symbolizes, “Apple Loves The Little Red Dot.”

Below those three big icons are 12 smaller ones, each representing Singaporean artists, filmmakers, musicians and entrepreneurs who will be conducting free educational programs for the public at the store. This is part of the new “Today at Apple” initiative the Cupertino-based company launched globally at all 495 of its stores just last week. We're glad that they've decided tobring it to our shores too.

While there is still no official opening date for the Apple Store—which will likely occupy four floors of Knightsbridge—a little bird told us that it'll open on May 22. We have no doubt in our minds that snaking lines will form outside the store when it opens (with Apple Geniuses applauding), given our penchant for queueing.


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