18 things that make Thai weddings the best weddings Wedding season is here! You may now kiss the bride. On the cheek. 9 years ago city living By Lily Kittisrikangwan | Nov 19, 2015 Wedding season is here! You may now kiss the bride. On the cheek. By Lily Kittisrikangwan | Nov 19, 2015 1. The flawless pre-wedding photos...credit: Chill Chill StudioWhich can take place pretty much anywhere. A photo posted by kleur Cheawongkul (@kleurmasutra) onNov 2, 2015 at 9:56am PST 2. The elegant traditional costumes at the morning “engagement” party...Which you were most likely not invited to. 3. The crazy amounts the groom pays at the “silver-gold” gates to enter the bedroom (aka pratu ngern pratu thong). It's like Chinese New Year has come early! 4. The Thai-Thai funky morning parade.Some even go "contemporary."#hooooohewwwwwwwww 5. Come nightfall, it's a red carpet.#StraightOuttaPlatinum 6. That very hi-so khun nai with amazing hair you usually only see in lakorn.Who is actually lovely in real life. 7. That interesting-looking souvenir you're forced to take home. 8. The photo session in front of a fancy, floral backdrop.#strong #everyoneiswatchingyou 9. The puang malai necklaces...Which go with any outfit, any time of day. 9. The tacky video slideshow.Some really go all out...And, no matter what, it'll still make you tear up. 11. The guy giving the 30-minute speech who no one knows...Except your your dad. 12. The "like" pose. 13. The little reunions with selfie sticks. 14. The hot MC who’s been paid 20k to act all bright and bubbly. 15. That never-ending kiss pose.Nawwwww. 16. That long sword to cut the cake mountain. 17. Ribbon draws are the new bouquet throws.Credit: youtube.com/watch?v=BZMnR4ybTUg18. And even if it's not your lucky year, you're guaranteed to have a stream of Instagram pics to last for months and months. Another emotional wedding. #tbt #greekstyle #smallwardrobe #bangkokweddingA photo posted by Lily K (@lilz91) onDec 3, 2014 at 7:25pm PDT#betterlucknextyear Advertisement Latest News Bangkok celebrated its first Southeastern Old-Time Gathering at Public House Fiddlers, banjo players, storytelling, and a host of old-time from around Asia. 1 month 2 days ago city living News White Claw will be available in Bangkok 7-Elevens this week Ain’t no laws when you’re drinking claws—except obviously the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008. 1 month 1 week ago city living News Swordplay and cosplay as Bangkok goes back in time for Medieval Gathering 2025 Slamming mead, sword fighting, dressing up, and dancing 1 month 3 weeks ago city living News Leave a Comment New Places The Shoyu Stand Restaurant Kiri Tsukemen Restaurant Tsu Na Gu Restaurant