The dumbest questions bartenders get
Local and international bartenders converge for Singapore Cocktail Week and share the latest cocktail trends, and the silliest queries they get on the job.
Singapore Cocktail Week is almost here, and adding to the hype is a slew of celebrity guest bartender appearances from the likes of Jim Meehan of New York speakeasy PDT, Tom Egerton and Alissa Gabriel of Eau de Vie and Diageo World Class 2014 Australian winner Charlie Ainsbury. Here, we speak to both international and local bartenders on silly questions, cocktail trends and their go-to drink.
What are some of the silliest questions you get on the job?
There are too many to list, but the ones that stick out are "Do you have bathrooms?" and "What do you actually do?" It is still mind-blowing for a lot of people that some of us actually want to do (bartending) as a profession.
And the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
Low alcohol options are increasingly becoming a staple on cocktail lists across Australian bars, and we're seeing a growing trend of drinkers wanting an authentic, living narrative with their drinks; whether that’s through foraged ingredients, native botanicals, sustainable ingredients or house-made elements. We have moved beyond just being a 'drink in a glass', and more and more drinkers are looking for a unique experience when they order a cocktail.
What’s your drink of choice?
It's always the Dealer's Choice, so whatever the bartender in front of me wants to make. It's a great way of seeing a bartender express their personality through what they put in a glass, and it's an easy way to get to know your bartender.
What are some of the silliest questions you get on the job?
While watching me juice lemons, guests always ask, "Is that a lemon?". Another guest has once asked me to make a mocktail...with vodka.
And the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
I think it's about bold and daring cocktails right now. Also, people are making their own wine and liqueurs behind the bar, and using those ingredients in their cocktails.
What’s your drink of choice?
It's always a Negroni—sweet and bitter with herbaceous flavours from the gin.
What are some of the silliest questions you get on the job?
I have been very fortunate to meet guests who don't ask me silly questions on the job. On the flip side, I am actually impressed that guests are more educated on their drinks.
What's the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
I believe that going back to the classics will be the trend in 2016. Guests are more discerning these days, apart from enjoying a good drink, they also want to be educated on the history of cocktails.
What's your drink of choice, and why?
Gin & Tonic. It's a simple drink that's easy and refreshing at the same time.
I always have guests asking for the 'best' cocktail or the 'tastiest', and subsequently they ask if certain cocktails are 'good or not' implying that we might make poor cocktails and showcase those on the list. I understand where the guest is coming from, it's just perhaps not phrased as well as we would like it. Similarly, I get asked what my favorite cocktail is, which is a fair question in itself but would not help the guest at all, unless we happen to have exactly the same tastes.
And the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
We've been seeing bartenders steer towards the less alcoholic side of cocktails and discovering a love for aperitifs, vermouths and fortified wines which lead into classic cocktail styles of the Spritz, Collins and Fizzes as well as turning the cocktail on its head by allowing the less alcoholic ingredients to reign supreme.
What’s your drink of choice?
I'm very keen on wine at the moment. There are some exciting things coming out of Australian vineyards by great young winemakers, so I'm always finding myself at tastings whenever I can get away from work. In terms of cocktails, I'm not shy of a Martini and the Negroni always seems like the right thing to order, no matter where I am in the world.
Dario Knox (far right)
"Can I please get a Belvedere Tonic? But with gin please", or "Do you have calorie-free cocktail?"
Jerez, or sherry wines from Jerez de la Frontera in Spain.
What are some of the silliest questions you get on the job?
To be honest, the bulk of the silly questions come from my mouth and are a direct result of my irregular bar shift, like "Oh, did my shift start at 9?!" or "Is <insert cocktail here> with or without egg white?".
And the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
The global health movement is throwing some weight behind low alcohol cocktails and lighter beverages. The rise in the use of local and regional flavors is definitely my favorite growing trend. In the last few years, I've seen more and more menus showcasing local ingredients, and competitors in local, regional and global competitions are constantly raising the bar and crushing pre-existing notions of what can be used in cocktails.
What's your drink of choice?
Time, place and company all play a part in my drink of choice, That said, Logan Demmy at 28 HongKong Street makes a delicious Ramos Gin Fizz, one I'd willingly default to if it was a readily-available option in the greater collective of bars.
Hannah Waters is hosting a women's-only whisky tasting session with Beckaly Franks at Whiskeys Are For Ladies. Tickets are at $48. Mar 16, at The Flagship. For more information, head here.
What are some of the silliest questions you get on the job?
"Is the (the cocktail) sweet?"—we spend most of our energy balancing sweet, sour, strong and other flavors, so of course not. And, "What's your favorite cocktail?" We all have different preferences. Most bartenders favor extraordinarily strong bitter ingredients like pot stilled rum or bitters, so you probably don't want to drink what your bartender is having on his/her night off.
And the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
Aperitif-style cocktails and oddities from the '80s seem to be coming back.
What’s your drink of choice?
I'm a chameleon when it comes to my cocktails: always trying to blend in to fit the occasion.
Jim Meehan is guest bartending at Gibson (Mar 12), The Cufflink Club (Mar 15) and Manhattan (Mar 18). More information here.
What are some of the silliest questions you get on the job?
After meeting a guest for the first time over the bar they ask, "Can you make a drink that matches my personality?”, or after looking at the menu the guest chooses a cocktail, and then asks "Is it good?”. Another one would be, "What do i get if it's my birthday?”
And the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
Probably fermentation. It's been a huge part of our menu at Operation Dagger since we opened but it's beginning to become a lot more popular now around the world, which is cool.
What’s your drink of choice?
Pina Colada. Because even when it's bad, it's good!
What are some of the silliest questions you get on the job?
I think it's really funny when people come and ask for a drink but can't remember the name, the ingredients or the mix. For example, I get: "Can you make that drink that really tastes like I'm at the beach?" We always have a good laugh and it usually isn't the same drink as they had before, but we will find something close, and maybe introduce something new.
And the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
It's not about mixing so many flavors to mask the spirits anymore. Now, a bartender should know the classics perfectly.
What’s your drink of choice?
It has to be a Negroni. A good Negroni has flavors that linger in your mouth, and the drink is bitter and sweet at the same time. There's also a touch of smoked rosemary and an orange twist for a clean finish.
What are some of the silliest questions you get on the job?
I personally don't think there are any silly questions, but the ones that tickle me are, "Can you do something to wow me?", "Can I have your favorite drink?" and "Do you get a lot of phone numbers from the ladies?"
And the biggest trend in cocktails right now?
The biggest trend is experimenting with flavors. The current breed of bartenders believe in finding new and interesting flavors to make cocktails. To give an example, I was in Brussels recently and had the chance to taste a cocktail made from tequila and mushrooms—it was so good I had it twice.
What's your drink of choice?
I love Gin & Tonic. It is not only refreshing but it's also the first drink I made as a bartender. It reminds me of how I started my career.