Hip restaurant and bar Broadcast HQ is shutting its second floor and nightlife events for two months.

The second level of Broadcast HQ will be closed for renovations from March 4 for two months and, as a result, all Broadcast gigs will be cancelled. The restaurant on the first level will continue to operate as normal.

According to director George Grover, this closure is largely due to unresolved licensing and renovation issues with the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA).

"We've been awaiting URA to approve our plans for renovation for the second floor to become compliant with the conservation guidelines associated with the heritage building. Concurrently, we've also been appealing to SPF to grant us a Category 1 Public Entertainment License," explains Grover.

"The good news is we've finally been given approval by the URA and had initially intended to do renovation in installments so to not disrupt our Friday and Saturday events. But, on the side of SPF, we've just been notified to stop all Public Entertainment pertaining to a Cat 1 License during the appeal process and its an offence for us to continue operations—even though we were initially informed that we can continue business as per normal while the authorities deliberate."

"As such, we've had to completely close the second floor and do all renovation in one hit, while finally sorting our licensing appeal so we'll be ready to operate again in full capacity by May."

But don't be disappointed too soon: Broadcast HQ is participating in the new Super Zero party series, happening every Saturday of April at Gillman Barracks, which feature a range of international and local music names. 


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