No more hurtling down the highway in a rattling death trap. 

Hoping to eventually replace the fast and furious passenger van network across the country, the Land Transport Department has approved Thailand's first "microbus" route.

Earlier this week, the first 20-seat microbus set off on its maiden journey from Ratchaburi to Bangkok Bus Terminal.

With GPS tracking and ABS braking system that increases control on slippery roads, these buses are meant to be a huge improvement safety-wise.

With a fee of B120 per person for the Ratchaburi-Bangkok route, the microbuses may mean slightly higher fares, but we think that’s a small price to pay for safety roads.

The new transport plan requires every van company to switch out any vans that are more than 10 years old for microbuses. Ratchaburi-Krungthep Khon Song company is pioneering this change, making it the safest ride in town, while others are sure to follow their lead soon. 


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