1. Air4Thai
This application gives you location-specific reports on the current air quality in Thailand from monitoring stations all over the country. It's run by the PCD (Pollution Control Department) of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and provides both hourly and daily reports on PM10, the amount of dust particles larger than 10 micron, and AQI (Air Quality Index), measuring the percentage of ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide in the air. Also included are 7-day graphs, retrospective and prospective maps.
As you can see, the AQI in Bangkok today (March 18, 2014) is 81 which is still considered moderate (100 and up is considered unhealthy and can be hazardous) with a PM10 of 89, which is moderate too since 120 is considered unhealthy.
The application is now available in both IOS and Android for free.

2. http://aqmthai.com/
This is a real-time table of air quality in Thailand reported hourly by PCD monitoring stations. As you can see, today the amount of dust particles, or PM10, are concentrated around the North, where its highest in Chiangmai at 179 ug/M3. Where the PM10 is considered unhealthy at above 120 (where it can be harmful to sensitive group like people with asthma or respiratory problems), they are reported as above average (highlighted in red).

3. http://aqmthai.com/aqi.php
This is another real-time table of air quality in Thailand including AQI (Air Quality Index). As reported, Chiangmai has the highest AQI at 126, well above the harmful level of 100. Meanwhile, Maehongson, Chiangrai, Autthaya and Phayao are also highlighted as health threats, with AQI rates of 120,114,111 and 108, respectively.

4. Air Pollution in Thailand: Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map
Here is also a real-time visual air pollution map indicating AQI in specific areas. As you can see, the AQI is highest in Chiangmai, where air pollution is currently considered unhealthy for sensitive groups.

Here is another friendly guide to help you figure out AQI easily.
You can keep updated with the air pollution threat situation in the North and the current air quality around the country at Air4Thai.pcd.go.th or download previous smog measurements report at http://aqnis.pcd.go.th/taxonomy/term/61
** According to the table, Samut Prakarn PM10 is still 63.33 and AQI at 65 from City Hall, Samut Prakan monitoring station at 08.00.00, 2014-03-18