Archi-nerds and history junkies are going to love the latest the National Museum has in store. As part of its architectural tours, the museum will be equipping participants with Project Tango-enabled Lenovo Phab 2 Pro phablets. Visitors can then use them at six different points on the tour to discover more about the museum via the power of augmented reality.

For example, you can look around the main rotunda with the phone and it will show you original artefacts like a bust of Sir Stamford Raffles and the Revere Bell. A 3D model of the building will also magically appear before you and you’ll be able to walk around the structure and interact with its highlights. What’s more interesting is that that famed spooky spiral staircase is also one of the six points on the tour. Point the phone at it and you will see... well, we’re not going to spoil it for you.

The free tour will last about an hour and start running from Apr 22. The maximum capacity is 15 people while the minimum is 5. To get your spots, remember to register online.

This isn't the first time Project Tango has been used to enhance the museum experience in Singapore, the ArtScience Museum has a similar offering that you should definitely check out.

This story originally appeared on Stuff Singapore, bringing you what's next in the world of tech and gadgets, with a twist.