There will be Star Wars-themed trains along the North-South and East-West lines from mid-December, with interiors decked in graphics of the series' characters C-3PO and Kylo Ren, (who supposedly is the new movie's villian). 

if you spend $30 at Kallang Wave Mall, iMOB Shop or any SMRT shops, you get a chance to fly to Dubai for the Middle East Film & Comic Con 2016. And if you consider yourself a major fan, why not head on over to The Projector for a screening and after party?

The timing for the Dec 17 screening starts at 8pm, and the after-party starts at 10pm at The Great Escape. Come dressed like a jedi (or a sith, we're not judgy) and enjoy the festivities. Details are sketchy at the moment, but you can go here for updates.

The Force Awakens will be screened at The Projector till Dec 20.