We scour the news for our island's strangest happenings.

Something fishy

Pasir Ris farms have been badly hit by mass fish deaths since the start of the Lunar New Year, with thousands of fish dying daily. Fish farmers are lamenting the loss of up to $50,000 worth of income, and some even fear bankruptcy, The Straits Times reported. The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) is still investigating the cause of the deaths, and speculate that the catastrophe may be due to low levels of dissolved oxygen, or a sudden plankton bloom. Whatever the reason, it's clear that there's definitely something fishy going on. 

Bully you 

24-year-old Quek Zhen Hao, the Honda Civic driver who made headlines for taunting two other drivers on the same day, has been arrested, according to Asia One. Investigations are still ongoing, but netizens are crying foul that while a local road bully is being hauled away for punishment, expat Anton Casey, who (in)famously made snide remarks about "poor Singaporeans", has been allowed to escape to Perth scot-free. 

Rage Age

In yet another road rage-related incident (far too many these days), a couple has been caught on film mocking a bus driver for not having a "proper job", as shared on Stomp. The couple's car, which was illegally parked along some zigzag lines, was obstructing the bus, but the couple got (too) visibly upset when asked to make way. We'd champion public transport as a solution to road rage, if only it weren't so expensive...



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