Open the floodgates :’)

We’re just a month away from one of the biggest, and may we say, most important, event in Singapore’s calendar for LGBTQ citizens. The ninth annual LGBTQ rally and wholesome picnic Pink Dot will go as planned at 5pm on Jul 1 at Hong Lim Park, with participants lighting the night using pink torchlights.

Following the recent changes to the Public Order Act, this year’s Pink Dot will see a big, unprecedented change that has everyone up in arms. Throughout the duration of the event, Hong Lim Park will be barricaded with seven access points and 50 security personnel on site to ensure that no foreigners are admitted to the event; a decision that the organizers heavy-heartedly resorted to but don’t agree with. A heart-breaking move because the measure would mean that some friends, couples and even families might be separated.

But let’s not digress and remember what Pink Dot is all about, amidst all the drama that unfortunately grows with each year. This year’s theme revolves around creating conversations to create a “truly inclusive Singapore”. The campaign video this year, which has become something of an annual tradition that everyone looks forward to, drives the message home.

Co-directed by renowned filmmakers Boo Junfeng and Mak Chun Kit, the film shows exactly what happens when you put the average kopi-drinking Singaporean and a member of the LGBTQ community together to have an open dialogue about rights for the very first time. As expected, it begins a little awkward but later progresses into something really beautiful and moving; mutual respect in-tact and differences aside.

Get those tissues ready.

Read about how this year's Pink Dot was almost cancelled here.


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