1. You keep getting Hungry Ghost deja-vu
What's that I smell?
2. The sunsets get really Instagram-worthy all of a sudden
...that's pollution, guys.
3. The PSI is way more exciting than CSI
4. You get weird government gifts in the mail
Which you should definitely hang on to, because they’ll be all gone soon.
5. The home electronics appliances aisle at the store looks like this
"Excuse me. Where are your air purifiers?"
6. Your air-conditioning bills are through the roof
7. You start considering Beijing for a delightful weekend getaway.
8. Diplomatic relations with Indonesia get pissy
9. Coming in to work feels like this
Everyone's on MC
10. You start rethinking your style choices
11. You bail on your Tinder dates guilt-free
…or any appointment really
12. That sexy jogger in your HDB is nowhere to be seen
13. This stops looking cool
...and starts looking profoundly stupid